Whispers of Female Script

Immersing in the legendary and historical world of this Eastern female language, NvShu, once used as unheard 'secret language' among women.

Whispers of

Female Script

Whispers of Female Script is a narrative tabletop game designed for two players to collaboratively decode Nushu scripts and progress the story.

At the core of the decoding process are the Chinese Nüshu symbols.    

Players interact with the story clues and hidden information on the cards, using them to decipher the symbols on each story card until they reach the conclusion of the story. All the text serves as both guidance and potential traps.

What’s NuShu?

The world's only surviving script exclusive to women.


The limited educational chances for ancient women led to the development of a unique writing system, called Nüshu, solely created by women.

Ideographic characters with Eastern aesthetics.


Ancient women, through sharing this unique writing system, managed to establish an exclusive network and cultural system among women, independent of the male-dominated societal structure.


Historical artifacts contain the recorded thoughts once unseen.

Facing an isolated social environment, Nüshu allowed women to communicate thoughts and emotions in relatively private settings. Thus, Nüshu became a language bridge for women seeking intellectual exchange beyond their immediate circles.

The World's Unique Language System

——Created Exclusively by Ancient Women.

A Silenced Shout

in History

——Its voice once swallowed by grand historical narratives.

Merging into the scroll world of NvShu …

Finished Product Display

Role-playing & Adventure

“ An immersive interactive experience ”

Another self, from past or future, veiled beyond your sight.

Encrypted Dialogue & Deciphering Unknown Script

“A journey into the realm of a mysteriously existing language. ”

Even though you are separated by time and space without seeing each other, reaching the journey's end still requires your mutual connection.

Collaboration & Mutually Decoding NuShu

“Co-narrating an Eastern history beneath in whispers. ”

Segment Showcase

24 Narrative Decryption Cards

  • 12 for each player, divided into three sets for sequential storytelling. Both players synchronously use cards with matching chapter numbers to complete the tabletop adventure story.

  • Richly illustrated, the answer to your Nüshu puzzle lies concealed within the symbol image of another player. The narrative poetry on the card revolves around the meaning of the Nüshu characters.

Decoding Disc

  • Each level of deciphered Nüshu characters corresponds to a matching puzzle piece, representing the shape of the character. This allows players to deepen their understanding of Nüshu script while assembling the puzzle pieces.

  • The runes on top of the puzzle correspond to specific numbers, aiding in finding the correct arrangement in the numeral verse level.

Two Character Cards

  • "Female Poet: Quest for Freedom"

    —— From a secluded woman who adored poetry yet had no books to read, to the originator of Nüshu's inaugural chapter after traversing vibrant mystical realms and enduring trials in the underworld, allowing players to firsthand experience the cultural backdrop and legend of Nüshu's birth."

  • "Outsider"

    —— The characterization of the 'Rootless Woman' echoes the authentic history of women in Nüshu, portraying their transition from being segregated by mainstream society, attempting Mulan-like identity changes to assimilate into a centralized society, yet they realised the tragic history of their innate status as perennial outsiders. However, it is precisely because of this that women established a unique and self-contained cultural utopia, a discourse system of their own."

Design Statement

Research——Literature Part

Research——Game Part



How to Play & Mechanism

Game Flow & Level Flow

Aesthetic Style

Product Design

Cultural and Art Exhibition Showcasing in Shanghai